These are questions business leaders ask every day. The most successful decision makers get their answers by closely tracking the best "forward-looking" economic indicators. These valuable measures help leaders better anticipate turning points in the business cycle. It's knowledge that gives them a significant advantage over competitors, leads to smarter management strategies with a payoff that goes right to a firm's bottom line.
How can YOU identify these important early-warning indicators? Which real-time economic numbers should you follow?
That's where we come in. Executives around the world have selected our seminars to better understand how key economic indicators can be used as forecasting tools. This seminar is designed specifically for those with little or no previous experience using economic indicators. Attendees bring their laptops for live, hands-on training to see how publicly available economic data can be leveraged for business benefit. Our program teaches how one can gain valuable insights on the business outlook from key leading U.S. and foreign economic gauges. As a business leader, you will learn to more accurately foresee shifts in consumer and business demand, corporate investments, housing, employment, foreign trade, interest rates and inflation.
But we do not stop here! As you know, we live in a crisis-prone global economy. Business leaders now face a bewildering array of economic and geopolitical shocks. This seminar also helps you prepare for sudden external eruptions, events that can potentially affect your business. In short, our seminar has two primary goals: To show how such indicators can keep you ahead of the business curve and, second, to make decision makers more comfortable using economic indicators in their offices.
Attendees in the past have come from finance, manufacturing, real estate, retailing, hospitality, advertising, accounting, and human resources.
You won't need a Phd in economics or statistics to benefit from this seminar. Discussions are held in plain, non-technical English. Finally, all the indicators cited are in the public domain and accessible via the Internet anytime, anywhere and at NO additional cost.
Where do these seminars take place? To make it as convenient as possible, our firm conducts these sessions right at your corporate location. Simply put, we want to make it as easy as possible so that you can begin to integrate economic indicators into your decision making process.
Can you earn CPE credits with this seminar? Absolutely! We are licensed to offer such credits for this course.
For additional information, please call us at 609-529-1300, or send an E-mail to: Sharon Lazard.